
Meeting in Dornan’s Office on the Abortion Issue

Carol Gentry of Manhattan Beach complained about the treatment she and others received in Rep. Robert K. Dornan’s Washington office from an aide when they were expressing their pro-abortion views (Letters, April 23).

I’d like to explain to Gentry that if she lives in Manhattan Beach, Dornan is not her representative. I suggest that she contact her own representative when desiring to express her opinion.

I have called Dornan’s Washington and local offices many times (I live in the 38th Congressional District) and have always had friendly, courteous people assist me.


I’d be very disappointed if I thought Dornan would allow these people to sway him (especially if he isn’t even their representative). However, I know of his steadfastness and commitment to the unborn children of this nation. I thank God for him.


Garden Grove
