
Sneak Peeks

After Indy Jones turned off many critics with his last sequel--it got damned for its violence and lack of charm--the intrepid anthropologist may be rebounding: According to exhibitor sources, “Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade” is hot .

Screened recently for exhibitors across the country, Paramount’s big summer entry--due May 24-- got thumbs up from our sources for its “wall-to-wall action” and for being “nearly as good as the first.”

And, said one exhibitor, “Everyone’s raving about Sean Connery (as Indy’s dad). He really steals this one.”

The plot has Indy (Harrison Ford) and his dad, Prof. Henry Jones (Connery), in search of the Holy Grail. Ditto some nasty Nazis. Indy, disguised as one, winds up face-to-face with Der Fuhrer himself. Chases abound, one involving a Zeppelin. There’s romantic intrigue involving Indy, his beautiful blond girlfriend (Allison Doody) and another prominent character we wouldn’t dare reveal. Also, an encounter with rats--lots of ‘em--in the sewers of Venice. And flashbacks with River Phoenix as a young Indy explain Indy’s revulsion for snakes.
