
‘A Signal for Shamir’

Yasser Arafat’s “recognition of Israel” can be compared with a fairy tale.

We constantly read in the media (editorial) that Israel “occupies” the territories of the West Bank and Gaza.

When will the media, including The Times, and our State Department cease referring to the West Bank and Gaza as “occupied territories”?

Isn’t it clear that for some 22 years Israel has been administering territories which it won decisively in self-defense under pressure from surrounding belligerent Arab countries?


The reality is that Israel must work out a system of rapprochement with Arab residents within the borders finalized at the conclusion of the 1967 Six Day War.

Nobody, especially those of us not living within the borders of such a tiny country as Israel, could possibly experience the pressure of life and the feeling of insecurity as the Israelis do under the constant threat of annihilation by its Arab neighbors.

Poppycock to the suggestion of “land for peace.” Peace as a promise from any Arab government is only a fantasy as perceived by those who want to believe in unrealities. Arab leaders are as stable and expendable as yesterday’s bread.


As long as Israel remains strong the wolves will stay away from her door, and U.S. interests and influence will be protected by its staunchest and only friend in the Middle East, Israel.


Sherman Oaks
