
North’s Trial in Iran-Contra Fiasco

I am not an admirer of North. I don’t approve of what he admits to doing during the Iran-Contra fiasco. However, I will accept that a career Marine might well see it as his duty to assume blame and protect his superiors should events take the bad turn that they did. When I was in the military service, we were thoroughly drilled on the ethics and responsibilities of an officer. We were referred to as “an officer and a gentlemen.” Our word was our bond, and though you might find it hard to believe, we lived by that code. The highest priority in an officer’s life was the welfare of the people under his command.

I am bothered and upset by the events taking place in the trial of North. A lot of questions keep coming up, but to me the major question is very simple, but apparently the answer isn’t. Former Commander in Chief Ronald Reagan, why don’t you come forward and help the man who served you so well?


Santa Paula
