
Lyon Tabbed to Succeed Segerstrom as head of Orange County Center

Henry R. Segerstrom, a moving force behind Orange County Performing Arts Center, was reelected to a one-year term as chairman of the center on Thursday at a board committee meeting that also approved Segerstrom’s recommendation of Newport Beach developer William Lyon to succeed him in April of 1990.

Changes approved in the center’s bylaws limit future chairmen to three successive one-year terms and board members to three successive three-year terms. After a one-year hiatus, board members and chairmen may run again.

The new bylaws provide for the incumbent chairman in his last term to designate a successor, a recommendation that must then be approved by the center board’s executive and nominating committee before submission to the full, 55-member board for approval.


Lyon, 65, would be subject to final board election in April of 1990.
