
Candidates and Propositions in Tuesday’s L.A. Election

In your editorial (“L.A. Council Endorsements,” April 1) you delineate many of the problems plaguing Los Angeles. These include dirty air, traffic, overdevelopment, crime, lack of housing, and overflowing landfills and sewers. The Times then goes on to make the illogical recommendation that the very people who have been unable or unwilling to solve these problems should be returned to office en masse. The Times also endorses the return of Mayor Tom Bradley to office (editorial, April 2).

If Gilbert and Sullivan were alive today what fun they could have with this questionable advice.

Mayor Bradley, and most of the incumbents on the ballot, are precisely the people who got us into this mess. The problems this city faces did not sneak up on these elected officials. They are the very ones who should have been in control of running this city and have done such a poor job.


On Tuesday voters should reject not only your recommendations but the incumbents as well. There is no shortage of good people ready, willing, and able to fill the shoes of the incumbents. Nate Holden and many of the council challengers have some good ideas for solving our problems. The voters are faced with a clear choice. They can return to office the people who made the city what it is today, or they can opt for a change.



