
HIGH LIFE: A WEEKLY FORUM FO HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS : What Does Future Hold? Peace, Prosperity--and a Cool Car

The best-laid plans of mice and men often go astray.

Scottish poet Robert Burns may not have used these exact words, but his meaning was the same. Nevertheless, misfortune doesn’t keep most of us from planning and dreaming.

Hot Topics wonders: “What would you like to be doing 5 years from now?”

“Five years from now, I would like to see myself as a USC business graduate who is positioned in a large corporation. Along with my business venture, I see myself driving a 930 convertible Porsche alongside Newport Beach and living in a 2-story condo.”

Tim Muzyka, 17, senior, Brea-Olinda

“Playing soccer on a college team, hopefully on scholarship.”

Martin Wall, 15, sophomore, Brea-Olinda

“Going to a good college or university, and just being happy, healthy and looking toward a long and prosperous life.”


Chris Sourmelis, 16, sophomore, Brea-Olinda

“Hopefully, I will have survived the rest of high school and will have graduated from UCLA with a major in physics. I would like an almost worry-free and completely independent life.”

Brandon Oba, 16, junior, Brea-Olinda

“I would like to have graduated from college, have a successful job and be married to Charlie Sheen.”

Aurora Ballard, 17, senior, Cypress

“Going to graduate school. I want to be a broadcast news reporter living on the East Coast. I would also like to be 21 years old and legal.”


Giselle Bonilla, 16, junior, Cypress

“Happy and living.”

Tricia Tomooka, 17, senior, Cypress

“Have finished my schooling at a fashion/art school and be able to find a job with a designer to get experience and to start my own company.”

Jennifer Neilson, 17, junior, Esperanza

“Attending Chico State and studying public relations; I would prefer to be financially stable, independent of my parents and in a serious relationship on the way to marriage.”

Bridget Britain, 17, senior, Esperanza

“Working hard to be a veterinarian.”

Leonard McClaren, 18, senior, Fullerton

“Working successfully as an actress.”

Erin Stott, 14, freshman, Fullerton

“Do something different than I was doing 5 years before.”

Bobby Kurtz, 17, senior, Heritage

“Teaching, married and have kids.”

Laura Milbourn, 17, junior, Heritage

“In a trade school studying to be an engineer.”

Jesse Garcia, 15, freshman, Heritage

“Programming computers for a large corporation.”

Troy Hoffman, 18, senior, Kennedy

“In college studying social work.”

Asmi Mehta, 16, junior, Kennedy

“Going to law school at Harvard University.”

Josh Hermanson, 16, junior, San Clemente

“In my final year of undergraduate premed school, hopefully at UCLA or UC San Diego.”

Katherine Rowe, 16, junior, San Clemente

“Going to either Southern California Christian or Pepperdine.”

Pam Sanchez, 15, sophomore, Santa Ana

“I don’t know, I just hope that whatever I am, I’ll be styling.”

David Layden, 17, senior, Santa Ana

“Have one novel or screenplay published, perhaps.”

Sean Paden, 18, senior, Sunny Hills

“Going to graduate school and majoring in waitressing.”

Nancy Staton, 16, junior, Tustin

