
Israel and Human-Rights Violations

With regard to your editorial, the chapter on Israel in the U.S. State Department report on the status of the human rights situation around the world was prepared with Israel’s full cooperation. However, the report examines the acts of an administration, not the circumstances of the events.

Since the Six-Day War of 1967, a war that was fought for its very survival, Israel is the authority responsible for security and stability in Judea-Samaria and the Gaza District, and for the welfare of the residents there, Jew and Arab. In the last 21 years, Israel has exerted efforts in numerous areas to improve the living standards of the local Arab inhabitants.

The disturbances since December, 1987, have posed serious problems and challenges for Israel, which is duty-bound to take all necessary measures to restore calm and stability.


Israel has not been facing peaceful demonstrations of law-abiding citizens. Israel has been facing violence, frequently incited by extremist elements, and that violence has assumed a number of forms: riots, terrorist attacks, and assaults against the life or property of Jews and Arabs by local radical elements.

The disturbances in Judea-Samaria and the Gaza District have witnessed massive stonings of persons and moving vehicles, attacks with slings, iron bars, chains, knives, and home-fashioned lethal weapons of all types. Increasingly, Molotov cocktails have been used. Such violence is meant to kill.

Those residents of the territories who are suspected of having committed security offenses are dealt with in full accordance with international law and the humanitarian provisions of the Geneva Conventions.


Within the context of tremendous human-rights abuse throughout the world and in particular in the Arab world, the special focus on Israel takes the issue entirely out of perspective. Instead of devoting public scrutiny to regimes that use every means at their disposal to silence and crush all potential and actual dissent, Israel is made the main focus of attention.

In the final analysis, the real answer to this complex and serious situation in the territories lies only with a negotiated settlement--peaceful solutions understanding and cooperation. It’s high time that the Palestinians realize that violence will get them nowhere and that they must put a stop to the force and violence.


Consul for Press and Information

Consulate General of Israel

Los Angeles
