
Abortion Controversy: Novak on ‘Woman’s Right to Choose’

The recent “coat hanger” ads by the pro-choice side of the abortion issue show how emotionally charged it is. No matter which way the Supreme Court decides, the abortion problem will still be with us. Perhaps one way to make progress is to reduce the magnitude of the problem by bringing back more of the old-time responsibilities of fatherhood.

Positive identification of the father could be a standard part of prenatal care of unwed mothers. Genetic printing could be used in contested cases to prove fatherhood. The unmarried father’s registration would follow him everywhere, so that he could not avoid contributing to the cost of prenatal care, childbirth and child care.

Such a societal attitude towards unmarried fatherhood would lead to greater use of condoms, less sexually transmitted diseases and less need for abortions.



La Jolla
