
Abortion Controversy: Novak on ‘Woman’s Right to Choose’

Novak, a theologian, makes reference to “ . . . the right of the individual being formed in the womb . . . to life.”

On theological grounds, Novak’s territory, are all souls endowed with the right to a human body at the expense of the free will of the other soul involved in a physical manifestation--the mother? Often, it is also against the will of the father.

Our free will is a divine right, and a soul using the physical body of another to create its own human temple should do so only with the full consent of the parenting soul(s).


Novak is right in that a woman’s right to choose is not solitary. Within God’s framework, it is a decision between the souls of the parents and child. When a soul becomes “clothed in flesh,” as the old saying goes, all of the laws of God must be observed or the embodiment is not spiritually healthy. Who among us, pray, wants to be born against our mother’s will? Not me.


Los Angeles
