
Abortion Controversy: Novak on ‘Woman’s Right to Choose’

So it is, “Most (women) were concerned about how the baby would change their lives, about not being able to afford a child, not being ready for the responsibility of a child, and not being in a stable relationship in which to raise a child.”

All these fears rest upon the woman’s shoulders. Why? Maybe there was a day, before our generation, when a man took responsibility, too, after the “moment when ovum and sperm from two other individuals to form a new individual.” But, not in this generation. When these fears become the man’s fears too, and he must also pay for the rearing of the child, then maybe we can consider overturning Roe vs. Wade. Now it is left to the woman, and it is her right to decide how she is going to handle something she has been left “alone” to deal with.


San Diego
