
Seinfeld Fans Scratch Heads

In your Jan. 17 review of Jerry Seinfeld’s performance at UCI’s Bren Center (“Laughing on Empty,” by Lawrence Christon), you said Seinfeld is “completely empty.” Both people I know who attended Seinfeld’s performance--and even those who did not--have been scratching their heads wondering what you meant by “completely empty.”

Seinfeld’s brilliance comes from his ability to observe everyday life and point out the ironies most of us don’t see. He builds on these ironies and engages his audiences rather than rattle off unconnected hit-or-miss one-liners.

To quote your own review: Seinfeld’s “language has imagery and rhythm. He’s expressive. He’s clear.” His comedy consistently succeeds without his having to display aberrant behavior, use profanity or espouse political ideology.


So what if Seinfeld said (on Bob Costas’ show) that “there was just . . . nothing” in his hometown of Massapequa, Long Island? Judging by the constant laughter, his observations on stage are ones that those in attendance--at UCI and at other places--relate very easily to.

Jerry Seinfeld is clearly the standard of excellence in observational comedy.


