
A Critical Reversal

I offer the following condensation of Martin Bernheimer’s review of Kathleen Battle’s Royce Hall recital (“Kathleen Battle Sings a Precious Recital,” Feb. 6)--but with a little twist on the names:

Bernheimer, who wrote a delicately sophisticated review, is prodigiously gifted.

He writes with concentration, sensitivity and intelligence. Although he doesn’t look like a fragile fashion model, he conveys involvement at every challenge.

Even though voice is not his strongest forte, he deftly approximated the concert.

He did just about everything right. And yet. . . .

At his age and the peak of his estimable career, Bernheimer seems to be flirting with the danger of over-refinement.


Unlike most of his colleagues and rivals, Bernheimer strikes the reader as a stubborn perfectionist. That may be his problem.


Los Angeles
