
Up Periscope!

Star types like Kevin Costner were once in the silent running for the starring role in “The Hunt for Red October.” But it’s fast-rising Alec Baldwin who will play the CIA agent in the screen version of Tom Clancy’s best-seller, with Klaus Maria Brandauer set as the Soviet submarine captain. The Mace Neufeld production for Paramount starts filming here April 10 with “Die Hard’s” John McTiernan directing.

The chase thriller has the crew of Russia’s most advanced missile-launching sub defecting. The CIA and the U.S. Navy want the sub intact, but the Soviets are desperate to blow it out of the water.

Published in 1984, “October” has gone through separate adaptations by writers Donald Stewart, Robert Garland and Larry Ferguson. A source said the shooting script reflects Stewart’s structure but “favors” the character of the Soviet captain.


James Earl Jones will portray Baldwin’s CIA superior.
