
Lacks Respect for Yaroslavsky

Your story on Councilman Zev Yaroslavsky “Lot of Warmth and Some Heat for Yaroslavsky,” (Times, Jan. 22) suggests that Yaroslavsky has won the respect of voters on the valley side of his district.

On the Westside of his district, he has only won the respect of the developers. He has won their respect by allowing: the Westside Pavilion; the concrete monoliths of the Wilshire Corridor in Westwood; the destruction of affordable rental housing, replaced by oversized luxury apartments in the north Westwood Village, and much more development on the Westside.

Mr. Yaroslavsky’s Westside has gridlock traffic, a rising crime rate, a diminishing quality of life, a lack of affordable rental housing (because it’s been torn down!), and as a result of high rents, more homeless people (adults and children). All of this has occurred on “his watch.”


Councilman Yaroslavsky’s attitude toward his constituents on the Westside is one of arrogance. He thinks that his district is his fiefdom, and the residents are his peasants. We were expendable for his ambition to become mayor (which required campaign contributions from many developers and their contractors).

Now he decides to run for re-election in the 5th District. He does not represent us anymore. He has betrayed us. He must be defeated.


President, North Westwood

Village Residents Assn.
