
‘Our Health Care Is Sick’

Upon hearing of the latest universal health care proposal put forth by members of our medical community, I must say a slight chill ran down my back (Part I, Jan. 12). Such plans, sounding so compassionate, are in fact further steps down the road towards national ruin. Why must a nation conceived in liberty, with a distaste for government encroachment upon any sphere of life, continue to believe that a fulfilling human existence is one in which the government can dictate what is best for us? We are led to believe that since we can’t fend for our own health needs the government has the obligation to do it for us.

Likewise, since our people can’t fend for their own retirement, we are forced to “contribute” to a bankrupt Social Security system. Given the present tax burden placed upon the nation (FICA and inflation included), where are the immense funds going to come from? More taxes? The government printing presses?

Your editorial is so swift to point out the success of the Canadian model; how about the “successes” of the Nicaraguan, Cuban, or Russian models? Such a comparison would point out the true nature of the proposal: government over the people as opposed to government by the people. We don’t need more government planning and coercion in the name of “compassion;” we need responsible citizens who know the meaning of self-discipline and private charity towards their fellow citizens. It never ceases to amaze me that the same elitist planners of our national affairs are the same people who sound the clarion call for a balanced budget and reduced national debt. A national mandatory health insurance program will only lead us down the road to national bankruptcy. This nation does not need a tax revolt; it needs a “benefits” revolt.



El Cajon
