
Three L.A. Students Fashioning Quayles’ Finery for Inauguration

From a Times Staff Writer

Irked by erroneous reports that her inaugural gown was being prepared by a trendy designer, Marilyn Quayle Tuesday let the fashion cat out of the bag: Her clothing, and that of her 10-year-old daughter, Corinne, will be the handiwork of three Los Angeles fashion students.

Daniel Caudill, 22, has designed the outfit that Quayle, the wife of Vice President-elect Dan Quayle, will wear to her husband’s swearing-in. Allison Miller, 24, designed the clothing that Corinne Quayle will wear to the ceremony.

And Denise Ervin, 32, designed the gown that Marilyn Quayle will wear to the inaugural balls later Friday night.


Fashion Institute Students

All three are advanced students at the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising in Los Angeles.

Norine Fuller, who runs the institute’s Washington office and was acquainted with the vice president-elect’s wife, said that Marilyn Quayle called her two months ago and asked for recommendations from among the institute’s 4,200 students. Fuller put Quayle in touch with the students, who flew to Washington for fittings.

“This has been extremely exciting for them,” Fuller said. “They said it’s like a dream.”

Quayle was said to have been annoyed by reports in recent weeks that up-scale designer Victor Costa was designing her gown.


David Beckwith, a spokesman for her husband, said that Marilyn Quayle sought out the young fashion students because she wanted to encourage American designers and offer a tribute to those seeking an education.

Beckwith said that Quayle intended to pay for the clothing, but the students asked instead if they could have the gowns back after the inauguration for display. Following the lead of soon-to-be First Lady Barbara Bush, Quayle has refused to discuss the clothing in detail until after the inauguration.
