
Child Support

While we realize that your paper cannot list all of the new California laws for 1989 in every area of importance, we would like to point out an important new law in the area of child support which was not mentioned and also expand on one that your paper did mention (Part I, Jan. 2).

SB 1019, sponsored by Sen. Diane Watson (D-Los Angeles) allows retroactive child support in paternity cases back to three years, even when there is no court order. California is now one of three states in the country to address this issue.

AB 2025, which your paper did mention, but only addressed a very small portion of the law. The main thrust of this law regards reporting of child-support delinquencies to credit reporting agencies.


This will have a significant impact on those people who are delinquent in child support and want to buy a house, car, etc. because they will be reported by the district attorney’s office to credit reporting agencies. This will be a very effective tool in getting absent parents to pay their child support.



Single Parents United ‘N Kids

Long Beach
