
Local News in Brief : Head of Group That Feeds Poor Honored

Hattie Pearl Prophet, a Los Angeles woman who heads an organization providing free meals to more than 1,000 people a week, was named winner of Anheuser-Busch’s 12th annual Martin Luther King Jr. Award on Thursday.

Prophet is president of the Women’s Auxiliary of the Western Baptist State Convention, a group providing assistance to the needy. In addition to meals, the group donates clothing and bedding to shelters for battered women and runaways.

Last year, Prophet’s organization took food, medicine, money and clothing to Haiti for a school and orphanage.


“Hattie Prophet, in the true spirit of Dr. King, has given much of her time and effort to create opportunities for all members of our community,” said Anheuser-Busch special markets manager John T. Stevens, who presented the $1,500 award that honors individuals for community service.

“Through her works, she has sent the message that everyone should be given the chance to grow and prosper.”
