

LULLABY AND GOOD NIGHT by Vincent T. Bugliosi with William Stadiem (Signet: $4.95). In retaliation for leaving him, Emily Stanton’s husband destroys her acting career, turns her daughter against her and trumps up charges of prostitution against her. She withstands the tragedies only to face a murder charge (based on the life of ‘20s actress Vivian Gordon).

THE WESTERN LANDS by William S. Burroughs (Penguin: $7.95). Joe the Dead, Kit Carson, the scribe Neferi, Hassan i Sabbah and William Seward Hall reappear and traverse a multiplicity of terrains in search of immortality in the concluding novel of a trilogy.

THE SAVAGE LAND by Matt Braun (Signet: $4.95). Print Oliver retires, with his family, to preside over a cattle dynasty after the Civil War, but a rustler challenges him to employ violent reflexes that he wants to forget.


THE SAMARKAND DIMENSION by David Wise (Avon: $3.95). A CIA agent infiltrates the Soviets’ telekinetic research center when the perpetual rivalry of the superpowers is brought to the ultimate battleground: the human mind.

SILVER ANGEL by Johanna Lindsey (Avon: $4.50). Abducted into slavery by the mesmerizing pasha, Chantelle Burke despises and at the same time is unspeakably attracted to her captor.


ONE STEP AT A TIME by Elena J. Hanuse (Avon: $3.95). On July 4, 1984, 55-year-old Hanuse takes her first step toward completing a lifelong dream and an 18-month journey by foot across the United States.


EMERGENCY DOCTOR by Edward Ziegler in cooperation with Dr. Lewis R. Goldfrank (Ballantine: $3.95). A doctor conveys the unrelenting conditions at historical Bellevue Hospital, which has an unrestricted admissions policy.

FALLING THROUGH SPACE: The Journals of Ellen Gilchrist (Little Brown: $7.95). Gilchrist, a regular commentator for National Public Radio, scrutinizes the milestones in her life that have prepared her for what she has become--an esteemed writer of Southern origin.

GRANTA 24: INSIDE INTELLIGENCE edited by Bill Buford (Penguin: $6.95). The British government successfully blocked publication in England, and GRANTA protested the action with this U.S. publication of a former MI6 intelligence officer’s memoirs.


WELCOME TO OUR COMPANY: Your Office Manuel by Yolanda Nove (Workman: $5.95). Cartoons with unmistakable epiphanies of life in the workplace.


ALFRED GLOSSBRENNER’S MASTER GUIDE TO FREE SOFTWARE: For IBMs and Compatible Computers (St. Martin’s: $18.95). Public domain, shareware and public bulletin board systems can add up to a minimum of $1,000 savings in software cost, and Glossbrenner’s confident he can show you how.

GREAT AMERICAN DREAM MACHINES: Classic Cars of the ‘50s and ‘60s by Jay Hirsch (Random House: $19.95). Sixty-five American-made cars are featured with specifications and brief histories.
