
Power Seats

The Lakers have been winning, despite the fact that their No. 1 celeb fan, Jack Nicholson, has been in England playing the Joker to Michael Keaton’s “Batman.” But what’s happening to Nicholson’s two courtside seats at the Forum? (The Lakers provide him one free seat; for the other, he pays $250 per game, plus $10 parking.)

The Lakers tell us the seats have been filled by pals of Nicholson and record producer Lou Adler, who has two adjoining seats. (Chuck Norris and Rob Reiner have shown up at Nicholson’s spot at half time hoping to talk to the actor.)

“So far, the only celebrity who sat in his seat has been Daryl Hannah,” a Laker official confided. “Everyone who visits the Forum looks for Jack and his celebrity guest, including the opposing team.”


The Laker official related that once during a championship game with Boston, Nicholson disguised his voice and yelled an obscenity at the referee: “The Boston bench got a technical foul for that and we ended up winning the game by one point!

“Jack’s a unique fan. We miss him.”
