
Professional Bull

As one who has had the good fortune to be able to experience the richness, beauty and evolution of Spain over the last 30 years, I appreciate Sidney Sheldon’s observations in “Scouting Spain” (Oct. 23) in Traveling in Style. However, he should have watched the action in the arena in San Fermin in Pamplona following the Encierro (early-morning running of the bulls), where a “professional” bull has fun goring numerous amateur bullfighters.

(A professional bull, unlike those that face the matador in the early evening, is one that has been in numerous events like the Fiesta of San Fermin and knows the difference between cape and human.) One of my life’s great experiences was to run and “play” in Pamplona in 1959, and to have the help of Ernest (Papa) Hemingway in understanding what was happening.


