
Car-Rental Firm Is Super

I was very satisfied with Morleys of Kingston Car Rental in Great Britain (recommended by Jerry Hulse in Travel Tips). Its agent in California was efficient and friendly, as was its representative, who met me at a London airport. He made sure I had maps and directions to my destination.

The automobile association membership, which is included in the rental price, proved most useful when I locked my keys in the car one Sunday afternoon. Unlike the United States, nothing is open in England on a Sunday. However, the association man promptly came to my assistance, even without my supplying a membership number, since all information was locked in the car.

If any reader wants to rent a car in England (or Ireland) they can call “The Secretary Bird” (Morley’s California agent) at (714) 650-3990. Prices start at about $35 a day. Service is super.



