
Building Industry Plans L.A., Anaheim Seminars

The Southern California building industry’s double-header third annual Real Estate and Economic Forecast Seminars are scheduled for Tuesday and Friday, in Los Angeles, at the Westin Bonaventure, and in Orange County, at the Anaheim Marriott, respectively.

Sen. Jake Garn, ranking Republican member of the U.S. Senate’s Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee, will deliver the keynote address at the Tuesday session only. Registration starts at 8:30 a.m. for both programs, which end at 5 p.m.

More than 40 specialists in real estate, investment, finance, development and regional planning will participate in various panels at each of the daylong sessions sponsored by the Building Industry Assn. of Southern California, joined by the Center for Finance and Real Estate at UCLA’s John E. Anderson Graduate School of Management, USC’s Law Center and Property Forum and the Los Angeles Times, as a corporate sponsor.


Principal speakers appearing at the Los Angeles seminar only are Robert Parry, president of the Federal Reserve Bank, San Francisco; Robert Maguire III, co-managing partner, Maguire/Thomas Partners, and Kent Colton, executive vice president of the National Assn. of Home Builders.

Scheduled only for the Anaheim program are Tom Nielsen, vice chairman, Irvine Co.; Kathleen Cooper, senior vice president and chief economist, Security Pacific National Bank; Joel Singer, chief economist of the California Assn. of Realtors, and State Sen. Marian Bergerson.

Appearing at both sessions are Stan Ross, co-managing partner, Kenneth Leventhal & Co.; Sanford Goodkin, executive director, Peat Marwick Main & Co./Goodkin Real Estate Consulting Group; John Hancock, executive vice president, Security Pacific Bank; Bruce Karatz, president of Kaufman and Broad Home Corp., and Christopher Leinberger, managing partner of Robert Charles Lesser & Co. and director of the Metro Futures Group of the UCLA Urban Innovations Group. Kathleen M. Connell, head of the UCLA Center for Finance and Real Estate, is the conference moderator. Information: 213/250-8965.
