
Local News in Brief : El Cajon

California Highway Patrol officials said Tuesday they have no leads into who may have fired at a CHP officer who was making a routine stop on westbound Interstate 8 Monday afternoon in El Cajon.

The officer reported Monday that he was fired at by a passing motorist.

A CHP spokesman pointed out Tuesday, however, that the officer failed to see the person firing the shot or the make of the car from which the shot came. No bullet has been found.

“There’s nothing we can follow up on,” CHP spokesman Bob Melton said. The officer “was standing beside the patrol car around 5 p.m. and heard the discharge of a high-caliber gun. At least, that’s what he thought it was.


“A bullet whizzed between him and the individual he had stopped. He had the feeling that it was a gunshot, but nothing’s going to be done. At this point, there’s nothing we can do.”
