
The NCAA spends only 3% of its...

The NCAA spends only 3% of its annual budget on enforcement, and the turnover among its investigators is so great that some cases have involved seven different staff members, the Florida Times-Union found after a 4-month look into the NCAA.

Of the 1983-84 investigators, only 21% were still field investigators in 1987-88. And in the past 3 years, 55% of the investigators have moved on to other jobs, some to other positions within the NCAA.

Most investigators said they joined the NCAA expecting to stay only 2 years.

Since 1980, the number of cases handled by the NCAA has increased from 81 in 1980 to 261 in fiscal 1988, which ended Aug. 31.


The enforcement staff has increased to 15 investigators from 7 in 1980, but it is lacking 23 of 25 part-time investigators who were employed by the NCAA until last year.
