
‘It’s a Monster’: Federal Drug Bill

Edwards’ amendment to the drug bill is typical of Republican insensitivity to and intolerance of people who choose to live their lives the way they want. Edwards says this bill sends a “message” to occasional drug users that they “must be accountable for their selfish indulgence.” Hooey! Since when is it the government’s place to foist its views about what is decent personal behavior on the public? I thought that in America I was free to be self-indulgent or to pursue “selfish indulgence.” Am I wrong about the “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” thing, or does this mean I can pursue these as long as I live up to Edwards’ concepts of decency?

Fines for self-indulgency? What garbage! What’s next? The standards of pure American conduct? If so, may I suggest a title--”How the True American Must Act to Remain Acceptable.” Am I wrong about this, or is Edwards being taken seriously? Isn’t this just election-year nonsense by Congress to mollify our fears about drugs? Doesn’t this stink of fascism getting its foot in the door?

We have a drug problem, granted, but any half-educated person knows when his/her rights are being violated, and Edwards is violating ours.



Rolling Hills Estates
