
Gunman Kills 4 in Chicago, Is Slain by Police

Associated Press

A gunman “who never said a word” killed two people Thursday in an auto parts store, then fatally wounded a police officer and a custodian at a nearby school before a policeman shot him to death, authorities said.

The slain officer’s partner and a city sanitation worker were wounded at the Montefiore School on the city’s West Side before the injured officer killed the man, Chicago Police Supt. LeRoy Martin said.

The gunman, identified as Clemie Henderson, 40, “was a troubled individual” who had a history of battery complaints and drug use, Martin said. “I’m assuming he may have had some type of grievance, but I don’t know.


‘Never Said a Word’

“All the witnesses state that this individual never said a word” in the store before opening fire, he added.

Martin said Henderson walked into the Comet Auto Parts store at about 10 a.m. and fatally shot two clerks, John Van Dyke, 41, and Robert Quinn, 26. Henderson missed a third clerk, who pretended to be hit and fell to the ground.

Henderson then walked out a side entrance and encountered city sanitation worker Laplose Chestnut Jr., 34. He shot Chestnut in the hand with a .38-caliber handgun.


Martin said Henderson then headed for Montefiore, a school serving about 135 troubled boys, where he killed custodian Arthur Baker, 33, who was outside the building.

At the door, he met police officer Irma Ruiz, 40, and officer Greg Jaglowski, who had been called to the school to deal with an unruly youth. Ruiz was shot in the chest and died from the wound. Jaglowski was shot in the legs.

Shot Twice in Chest

Martin said Henderson reloaded his gun and exchanged fire with Jaglowski, who shot him twice in the chest. Police found 22 rounds of ammunition on Henderson.


The school has 130 students--ages 10 to 16--but none were injured and only one was a witness to the shooting, authorities said.

Martin said Henderson lived in the neighborhood and that police found literature in his apartment indicating that he worked as a model and hairdresser.

Investigators also found a picture of him dressed in military fatigues and holding an M-1 rifle. A friend of Henderson’s, David Finke, said he served as an Army combat infantryman in Vietnam during the late 1960s and early 1970s.

“I think it is fair to say he carried his disturbance from the Vietnam era into the present,” said Finke, chairman of the Midwest Committee for Military Counseling, an agency that counsels veterans and members of the armed forces.
