
Debate Over the Presidential Debates

Republican campaigner Edward Rollins describes George Bush as “enjoying the combat with Michael Dukakis” (Opinion, Sept. 11). Who’s he kidding? If this is the case why has Bush fought so long and hard against the Dukakis proposal of four presidential debates instead of finally and reluctantly agreeing to two? What’s he afraid of?

Seems to me what Bush considers “combat” in the political arena is still the same brand of sleazy, dirty-pool patriotic pap fed to the public by McCarthyism in the ‘50s. Some things never change.

Dukakis may not be perfect, but to accuse him of a lack of patriotism is pure unadulterated slime. Considering the Bush involvement in the unpardonable criminal-infested Reagan regime, I suppose it is to be expected.


Ah me, if I vote for Dukakis will I be considered an “unpatriotic” liberal? On the other hand, if I vote for Bush I’d be a self-destructive “patriotic” nincompoop. Golly gee, maybe I should just sit this one out.


Santa Monica
