

Now that the race for the presidency is on, my father couldn’t wait to find out who I was voting for. I told him simply, “I don’t know.” He explained the importance of voting and what criteria I should take into consideration when making my decision.

I said, “Dad, I don’t care if the person is a man or a woman, black or white, Republican or Democrat. I want someone who is going to ensure that something gets done about the issues that haunt America and the rest of the world. The hungry and the homeless, AIDS, toxic-waste cleanup and disposal, airline disasters, offshore drilling, water pollution (sewage and oil spills), air pollution, land pollution, child pornography, income taxes, insurance rates, education reforms, drugs, Social Security, Medicare and Medi-Cal, safe food and drinking water and benefits for vets.”

I asked him which candidate would be the right one to vote for. He said, “I don’t know.”


