
Westchester : 2 Named to Traffic Panel

Los Angeles Councilwoman Ruth Galanter has appointed 31-year resident Curt Curtiss and 13-year resident Jim Dewar to the Westchester Mobility Action Committee.

The advisory committee, made up of Westchester residents and business operators, deals with traffic issues and coordinates its efforts with the city and state departments of transportation and other transportation agencies.

Curtiss, a mathematician for North American Rockwell in El Segundo, was vice president of the Southern California Assn. of Governments’ transportation committee from 1982 to 1984, a member of the Los Angeles Airport Commission from 1984 to 1985, president of the Westchester/LAX Chamber of Commerce and president of the Westchester Vitalization Corp.


Dewar, a policy analyst for the RAND Corp. in Santa Monica, has experience in the use of computer models in traffic analysis and helped draft the Coastal Transportation Corridor Specific Plan.
