
The “Days of Our Lives” fund-raiser at...

The “Days of Our Lives” fund-raiser at the Celebrity Theatre in Anaheim netted $13,000 Aug. 28 for the Providence Speech and Hearing Center.

The “Western Barbecue” at Eagle Country in Laguna Hills netted about $30,000 Sept. 8 for the Cancer Center at Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian. Jeff Johnson was chairman.

At the kickoff party for Planned Parenthood of Orange and San Bernardino counties at the Center Club on Sept. 8, it was announced that $1,189,700 in pledges had already been received toward a goal of $3.3 million over the next three years. Kathryn Thompson and Donald Shaw are co-chairmen of the campaign. Janice Johnson is fund-raising chairwoman.


Planned Parenthood of Orange County’s annual member-guest beach party Sept. 10 in Emerald Bay netted about $10,000. Mrs. Jay Longley and Mrs. Evelyn Young were co-chairwomen.
