
Lynwood : Asbestos to Be Removed from Swim Complex

The City Council has unanimously approved the first phase of a project to remove asbestos from city buildings in Lynwood. The council allocated $25,000 to remove the cancer-causing material from the boiler room area of the Natatorium, the city swim complex, said Joseph Y. Wang, public works director.

The money will come from funds set aside to construct additional facilities at a small city park, Wang said. The first phase of the project probably will be completed in a couple of months, Wang said.

In the near future, the city also will remove asbestos from City Hall, the Community Center building and Bateman Hall, a community meeting complex.


None of the locations are in areas where employees or the public are exposed to the material. However, state job safety officials recommend that asbestos be removed when it is loose, flakes and becomes airborne, Wang said.

Asbestos was commonly used in school construction until the early 1970s, when its potential carcinogenic effects became known.
