
Ban Firing at Will

I thank Harry Bernstein for exposing the fire-at-will clause now being used by some employers (“Fire-at-Will Clauses Put Force of Law Behind Unfair Play,” 8/16). Despite the glowing employment numbers issued by the Labor Department, there are still more than 5 million Americans without jobs and millions more working part time who might gladly accept a fire-at-will clause just to get a full-time job.

While legislation may be needed to limit awards in wrongful discharge suits, a law barring fire-at-will clauses should also be considered. Perhaps George Bush and Michael S. Dukakis should tell us where they stand on this issue.

If employers can get away with this, who knows what else they will use to handcuff their work force. Maybe workers will one day find themselves living under what could be called corporate totalitarianism.



Los Angeles
