

Monday marks the celebration of Labor Day, set aside to recognize labor’s contribution to the nation. Credit for the idea of Labor Day is given to Matthew Maguire, a New Jersey machinist, and Peter J. McGuire of New York, co-founder of a labor organization that eventually became the American Federation of Labor. After several states began observing the first Monday in September as Labor Day in the 1880s, Congress made the day a federal holiday in 1894.

Closed: City, county, state and federal offices, courts, banks, post offices, stock exchanges and most businesses. Open: Most stores

Celebrations: The Valley Labor Political Education Council holds its annual Labor Day picnic from 11:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at Valley Plaza Recreation Center, 12240 Archwood St., North Hollywood. The Catholic Labor Institute will hold its 42nd annual Labor Day breakfast at 9:30 a.m. at the downtown Hyatt Regency Hotel, 711 S. Hope St.
