
Video Reviews and News : MORE NEW RELEASES : Movies

<i> Recent releases, reviewed by Times critics.</i> : <i> Compiled by Terry Atkinson</i>

This week three big films face off in the video-rental battle of the year--at least until “E.T.” and “Cinderella” compete in October.

“The Last Emperor.” Nelson. $89.98. 1987. PG-13. Winner of nine Academy Awards, including best picture, this Bernardo Bertolucci epic traces the life of Chinese ruler Pu Yi.

“Broadcast News.” CBS/Fox. $89.98. 1987. R. James L. Brooks’ hit comedy/drama about the rise of a TV anchorman--and the conflicts in the life of his producer, starring William Hurt, Holly Hunter and Albert Brooks.


“Moonstruck.” MGM/UA. $89.95. 1987. R. Hit romantic comedy about the effect of a full moon on some Brooklyn Italian-Americans. Cher and Olympia Dukakis won Oscars. Nicolas Cage didn’t.

“Richard III.” Nelson. $19.98. 1956. New full-length version of Laurence Olivier’s film.

“The Go Masters.” Sony. $59.95. 1982. The first film to be co-produced by Japan and the People’s Republic of China, this story of two families during the ‘20s through the ‘50s was a huge hit in both countries. This is the full, 134-minute version, subtitled.

“Double Suicide.” Sony. $59.95. 1969. A prostitute and merchant’s ill-fated love. Directed by Masahiro Shinoda (“Demon Pond”).


“Consuming Passions.” Virgin. $79.95. 1988. R. Jonathan Pryce in comedy about young man climbing the corporate ladder in a chocolate factory.

“18 Again!” New World. $89.95. 1988. PG. This body-switching comedy (between grandfather and grandson this time) stars George Burns.

“Absolution.” TWE. $79.95. 1979. R. Made in 1979 but not released until last year, this suspense drama starred Richard Burton as a troubled priest in an English boys school.


“Penitentiary.” Unicorn. $59.95. 1979. R. Down-and-dirty drama about wrongly accused black man who becomes a boxer in prison. Not to be confused with its inferior sequel, “Penitentiary II.”

“Elvis and Me.” New World. 1988. $79.95. TV-movie based on Priscilla Presley’s memoir.

“Best Seller.” Vestron. $89.98. 1987. R. Violent thriller about cop/author and a hit man. James Wood, Brian Dennehy.

Other Videos

“Living With High Blood Pressure.” Creative Street. $34.95. 59 min. Learning to thwart “the silent killer” with Arthur Ashe. Information: (317) 926-9671.

“My Sesame Street Home Video.” Random House. $19.95 each. 30 min. each. Four more titles in this children’s series: “The Alphabet Game,” “Big Bird’s Favorite Party Games,” “The Best of Ernie and Bert,” “Count It Higher: Great Music Videos from Sesame Street.”

“Seven Days in Space.” Halcyon. $29.95. 88 min. A week about the space shuttle. Information: (800) 426-0582.

“Virginia Wade’s Class.” Sony. $29.95. 68 min. Tennis tips.

“The Official Pop Warner Football Video Handbook.” Sony. $19.95. 50 min. A guide to football’s “little league.”


“Hollywood Scandals and Tragedies.” MPI. $79.95. 90 min. Video equivalent of “Hollywood Babylon.”

“The Story of Fashion.” Home Vision. Three tapes (“Remembrance of Things Past,” “The Art and Sport of Fashion” and “The Age of Dissent”), approximately an hour each and $39.95 per tape, documenting clothes-design history. Information: (800) 323-4222.

“An Evening With the Royal Ballet.” Kultur. $29.95. 87 min. Previously on another label at a higher price, this 1963 film features Rudolf Nureyev and Margot Fonteyn.

“Laurel and Hardy--The Years Before Teaming.” Loonic. $15.95. Four silent shorts showing Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy on their own. Information: (415) 526-8070.

“Iron Maiden: 12 Wasted Years.” MPI. $24.95. 90 min. History of English hard-rock band.

Bargain Basement

Reduced to $29.98 (CBS/Fox): “Star Wars,” “The Empire Strikes Back,” “Return of the Jedi,” “Aliens,” “The Fly” (1986), “Peggy Sue Got Married,” “The Towering Inferno,” “Short Circuit,” “Cleopatra” (1963), “The African Queen.”
