
Local News in Brief : Latino Enters Race for Bernardi’s Council Seat

Los Angeles City Councilman Ernani Bernardi Tuesday drew his second challenger--a little-known Latino--in the April, 1989, race for his East San Fernando Valley seat.

David Briones, a 30-year-old Sylmar resident and worker at Hughes Aircraft Co. in Canoga Park, announced his candidacy at a news conference, becoming the first of several Latino candidates expected to run for the 7th District seat.

The population of the district, which was radically redrawn by the City Council in 1986, is projected to be 69% Latino by the 1989 election. But Latinos represent less than a fourth of the district’s registered voters.


Briones criticized Bernardi for having the highest absentee rate on the council in the 1987-88 fiscal year. Bernardi missed 35 meetings.

“He had the highest absentee rate on the City Council because of his illness and the illness of his wife,” said Briones, who has never run for public office before. “Maybe it’s time to get somebody in there who is going to dedicate the time needed.”

Bernardi said his absences last year were unusual. He said he had one of the best attendance records on the council the previous two years, missing only six meetings in 1985-86 and eight meetings in 1986-87. The council meets three times a week.


Lyle Hall, a former president of United Firefighters, the Los Angeles firefighters’ union, also has announced that he will run for the 7th District seat.

Bernardi, 76, is the dean of the City Council, with 26 years in office.

The district is made up of Arleta, Pacoima, Sylmar and parts of Lake View Terrace, Panorama City, Sepulveda and Sun Valley.
