
1,200 Seized in 30-Country Narcotics Bust

Associated Press

U.S. officials announced today the completion of a monthlong international drug enforcement campaign that resulted in seizure of 11 tons of cocaine, destruction of 244 tons of marijuana and 1,200 arrests.

Atty. Gen. Richard L. Thornburgh said the drive involved the unprecedented cooperation of 30 countries and international law enforcement agencies, principally in South and Central America.

The project, operated under the auspices of the International Drug Enforcement Conference, also led directly to destruction of 118,000 coca plants, 13 cocaine laboratories and seven clandestine air strips, and seizure of $3.8 million in cash.


During the Aug. 1-28 campaign, cooperating nations intensified border searches, located and destroyed chemical stores, increased patrols of airports and checked highway and river points known to have been used for illicit drug shipments.

Authorities also were on a special alert to spot currency being smuggled in from Europe.

“The statistics are not as important as the signal that has been sent to the drug kingpins,” Thornburgh said. “Henceforth they will increasingly face the combined fury of law enforcement agencies of all nations whose people they victimize.”

Thornburgh spoke at a Washington news conference followed by television satellite coverage of a news conference from Bogota, Colombia, where the International Drug Enforcement Conference was meeting.


Thornburgh said that the nations involved have generally fought the war on drugs individually. Although they shared some data, he said, “never before has there been such systematic and comprehensive cooperation.”
