
Arson Probed in 2 Fires at Same Apartment

Burbank Fire Department arson detectives were investigating two fires that were set in the same apartment late Friday and early Saturday, officials said.

About 11 residents had to be evacuated after the second fire in the 20-unit building in the 2400 block of west Olive Avenue, Chief Douglas Parris said. No one was injured, he said.

The building was scheduled to be demolished, Parris said. Officials estimated the damage at around $100,000.


The first fire broke out at 11:50 p.m. Friday in the bedroom of a second-story apartment, Parris said. Firefighters extinguished the fire in about 20 minutes, he said.

A second blaze was set in the same apartment about 3:50 a.m. and raced to the attic of the building, Parris said. He said firefighters put out the blaze in about 30 minutes.
