
Local News in Brief : Westminster : Applicants Sought for Schools Personnel Panel

The Westminster Elementary School District is seeking applicants for one of the three seats on the district Personnel Commission.

The commissioner would serve a three-year term beginning Dec. 1.

The Personnel Commission classifies non-teaching employees and hears appeals in disciplinary matters. Regular meetings are held the fourth Tuesday of each month.

To be eligible, an applicant must be a registered voter living within Westminster School District and must be neither a school board member of any district nor a school employee. District officials said “desirable qualifications include volunteer or paid experience with community groups or public agencies and concern for the school system.”


Applications, which must be submitted by Sept. 1, may be obtained at district headquarters at 14121 Cedarwood Ave.

The school board will interview the candidates it considers most qualified. The board will announce its nominee in early October, then will forward its recommendation to the executive officer of the state Personnel Board, who, by law, makes the actual appointment.
