
No-Fault Initiative

With all the fierce rhetoric, melodramatic TV spots, number-crunching and finger-pointing, the one thing that none of the combatants in the no-fault insurance initiative publicize is the history of this strategy in other parts of the country. What happened in other states where similar laws were passed? Did consumer rates go up? Who paid for the new system?

As a former East Coast resident who personally experienced the devastating effects of no-fault laws in both Pennsylvania and New Jersey, I can unequivocally tell you that no-fault is the worst thing to ever happen to drivers in those states. Rates soared for drivers with multiple accidents and for drivers with spotless records. No-fault means that even if you’re a safe driver, if someone hits you, you have to collect from your insurance company. Which means your rates go up (no matter what they tell you).

No-fault isn’t no-fault--it’s “your-fault” insurance and it will cost you money. It’s just another loophole through which the insurance industry can charge the consumer more for premiums. Why do you think they’re spending $43 million to force this ridiculous bill into law? It’s not about trial lawyers, it’s about higher rates, and as usual, the average citizen pays.



Canyon Country
