
No-Fault Initiative

I am outraged with the insurance companies trying to apparently get an edge on the no-fault initiative slated for the November ballot.

I just received my six-month policy renewal. It has increased 23%--from $334 to $410. In the 12 years I have been with my insurance company my premium has never increased more than $10 per year. Now they want to increase it $160 per year? I have a good driving record and a 10-year-old car. My rates should be going down, not up!

I have researched other insurance companies and received a survey from the Department of Insurance (who, by the way, gave me nothing but double talk when I called). I found that I could reduce my coverage but my payments would remain at what I have been paying recently. Rates should reflect more discounts for good drivers and really “stick it” to the bad drivers since they’re the core of the problem.


The law states that all drivers must have insurance, but how can we? More people are complaining about the higher rates and the insurance companies are complaining about the high claims. Well then it’s time for some changes: 1) Have the DMV require proof of insurance. No insurance, then no license or registration. 2) Have insurance companies put a tighter limit on the number of accidents and violations. Anyone who reaches the limit is uninsurable. Period! 3) Put a limit on lawyers’ fees and accident recovery amounts. 4) Make use of existing rail lines and Union Station downtown with commuter trains. Why are we spending money on a subway? We should make use of what we already have. They do it back East, why can’t we?


