
Korenstein Recall Drive Launched

Times Staff Writer

About 200 parents, teachers and students Monday launched a drive to recall Julie Korenstein, West Valley representative on the school board, to protest that the principal of Robert Frost Junior High School in Granada Hills was transferred to another school in what they say was an act of political revenge.

The protesters held a rally at Wilkinson Center in Vanalden Park in Northridge in support of Gerald E. Horowitz, who has been transferred to Byrd Junior High in Sun Valley.

For the record:

12:00 a.m. Aug. 24, 1988 For the Record
Los Angeles Times Wednesday August 24, 1988 Valley Edition Metro Part 2 Page 9 Column 2 Zones Desk 1 inches; 27 words Type of Material: Correction
An article Tuesday incorrectly identified Shirley Schwartz as co-president of the Robert Frost Junior High School Parent-Teacher-Student Assn. Schwartz’s term as co-president ended July 1.

Horowitz could not be reached for comment Monday.

Opponents of the transfer have charged that it was politically motivated. Several people who spoke at the rally Monday night said they believed that Horowitz’s transfer was arranged by Korenstein in retaliation for his support of Barbara Romey, Korenstein’s major opponent in last year’s election for the Los Angeles Board of Education.


“It’s my personal opinion that Julie Korenstein wanted Gerry Horowitz removed from Frost for political reasons,” said Shirley Schwartz, co-president of the school’s Parent-Teacher-Student Assn.

Allegations Denied

Korenstein and school administrators have denied the charges. Joseph Luskin, an administrative assistant in the school district region that includes Frost, said Monday afternoon that he was “not aware of any politics” involved in Horowitz’s transfer. He said Horowitz is one of three junior high school principals in the district being transferred this year.

“Changes are made based on the needs of the region,” he said. Luskin said that after five years of service, it is possible for any administrator or teacher to be transferred.


However, the PTSA asked parents at the rally to sign petitions to recall Korenstein and to return Horowitz to Frost.

George Luntz, who has a 14-year-old son at Frost, signed the petitions, saying he could not understand why Horowitz was transferred.

“Gerry’s done a good job at the school,” he said. “We’ve had good experience with him. The kids love him. The school rates very highly academically and in terms of school spirit. There’s no reason why he should be transferred.”


Horowitz, who had been at Frost since 1978, is to replace Virginia Holt as principal at Byrd. Holt was recently promoted to serve as principal of Polytechnic High School in Sun Valley.

Horowitz will be replaced at Frost by Jay E. Peterman, former principal of Columbus Junior High School in Canoga Park.
