
Local News in Brief : Transit Agencies Still Can’t Agree

Board members from two of Los Angeles County’s major transit agencies failed to reach agreement Monday on how to streamline planning and construction of mass transit projects, raising the prospects of a new conflict over transportation reorganization in the weeks ahead.

The dispute is part of a continuing reorganization fight between the Los Angeles County Transportation Commission and the Southern California Rapid Transit District. It centers on which agency should design and build billions of dollars worth of interconnecting subway and trolley projects planned for the next 20 years.

The RTD, which will operate the rail system, is building the first leg of Metro Rail downtown and wants to keep responsibility for subway extensions. The commission, which is building a series of commuter trolley lines, wants to consolidate all of the rail construction into a new, third agency.


Commission officials, who control RTD and Metro Rail purse strings, say they have the legal authority to assume control of future Metro Rail work. But RTD President Gordana Swanson said: “I’m not sure about that. We’ve not gotten to the point of discussing the legal ramifications.”

But commission officials say they are considering proceeding on their own and may begin discussing such a strategy Wednesday.
