

PATRIOT GAMES: by Tom Clancy (Berkley Books: $4.95). CIA analyst stumbles upon and thwarts an assassination plot while vacationing with his family in Europe. When he returns to the states, the terrorists follow seeking revenge.

UPON A MOON-DARK MOOR: by Rebecca Brandewyne (Warner Books: $4.95). Maggie Chandler’s father never lets her forget her mother died while giving birth to her. Her handsome Gypsy cousin becomes her sole source of happiness on the family’s joyless estate.

THE RETURN OF SHERLOCK HOLMES: by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (Penguin: $3.50). Seven stories for the price of one (current feature of PBS ‘Mystery!’ series.)


PALE KINGS AND PRINCES: by Robert B. Parker (Dell: $4.50). Spenser, one of Boston’s more paradoxical private dectectives (and inspiration for the ABC series) gets involved when a young reporter is found dead after he follows a lead to a small town and cocaine dealers.

THERE WILL BE TIME: by Poul Anderson (Signet: $2.95). A man can literally will himself through time to his amusement, but when he visits the future, he understands his gift and realizes he must use it to stop an impending disaster.


THE PREPPY MURDER TRIAL: by Bryna Taubman (St. Martin’s: $3.95). Account of sensational New York court case concerning a young man accused of killing his young companion, both from privileged backgrounds, while out on a date.


THE IRISH AMERICANS: The Rise to Money and Power by Andrew M. Greeley (Warner Books: $8.95). Prolific novelist gives serious attention to the condition and progress of Irish Catholic population in America.

TOM CRUISE: by Jolene M. Anthony (St. Martin’s: $3.50). A slim biography of the heartthrob of many young women.

STRAIGHT TALK ABOUT DRINKING: Teenagers Speak Out About Alchohol by Wayne Coffey (Plume: $7.95). Teens tell other teens how alchohol affects their friendships, family, schooling, social and recreational activities, and mental health.


BUT ENOUGH ABOUT YOU: by Cynthia Heimel (Fireside: $6.95). Eccentric view of life in the ‘80s. Topics such as Making Friends With Anxiety and Depression (so you can get out of bed in the morning), Other People (why do they exist, what are friends for, and proper responses to social weirdness) and Lovers as Accessories are mulled over by this modern-day Dorothy Parker.


LISTEN TO THE HUNGER: Why We Overeat by Elisabeth L. (Harper & Row: $6.95). Overeating as a sympton of unmasked psychological and emotional problems is the focus of discussion.

THE EVERYDAY ENGLISH HANDBOOK: by Leonard Rosen (Dell: $4.50). Easily accessible guidelines on grammar usage and construction to achieve and maintain comprehensive, effective and understandable language skills.
