
Categorizing GOP and Democrats

The question posed by Ernest Conine (in his column “It’s Worth Asking if Dukakis Would Tilt Greek Turkish Equation,” Op-Ed Page, June 30) is reminiscent of the question asked of the Catholic candidates of past presidential contests: Will he serve the Pope, or will he serve America? The answer, of course, is self-evident.

As for Michael Dukakis, being an immigrant myself, I can, with certainty, answer the question posed by Conine with one simple statement: He will, if elected, serve America and only America. First, because he is not a Greek, but an American. And last and perhaps more important, because immigrants and their offspring are no less dedicated to the well-being and safety of our nation than any other group of Americans. You can rest assured that if elected, Dukakis’ mind and heart will work and beat for no other country but America.

By the way, I’m not of Greek descent nor a Democrat. I will not vote for Dukakis simply because I am a Republican of long standing.



San Dimas
