
The Colleges : CSUN Was Banking School Would Profit From Step Up in Class

There was little doubt in the minds of Cal State Northridge officials that once the school’s move to Division I was finalized, public interest in the school’s athletic endeavors would increase.

A simple announcement April 21 proved them right.

Financial commitments from boosters are on the increase and a committee has been formed to seek money for endowments that could subsidize the athletics program as it expands.

The committee’s first meeting is scheduled for tonight.

Steve Crossland, a Northridge graduate, has assumed leadership of a community task force that has been formed to establish an overall fund-raising program for the school, according to Jim McDiarmid, CSUN’s director of development. Some committee members will concentrate their efforts on certain areas, such as business, engineering and, of course, athletics.


Those who have been recruited by Crossland for the committee will now concentrate on recruiting others in meetings similar to the one that will take place tonight.

“Their goal is to build endowment in the next couple of years so when Division I expenses start kicking in, we’re ahead of the game a bit,” McDiarmid said. “Hopefully, by the time the real expenses come, we’re raising enough year by year to pay for them.”

Exact figures for the amount pledged to date are not available, but Ran Railey, CSUN’s athletics fund-raiser, said he is hopeful that $100,000 might be raised by the end of the year.


“Since the Division I announcement things have picked up a great deal,” Railey said. “We’re not where we need to be, but we’re getting more positive responses.”

Fullerton finishing school: When the next head coaching position becomes vacant at Northridge, check Cal State Fullerton coaches’ directories--past and present--for candidates.

The last two head coaches hired by CSUN Athletic Director Bob Hiegert have been former Titan assistants.


Bill Kernen, who was announced as Hiegert’s choice as baseball coach at a press conference Tuesday, was an assistant at Fullerton from 1977-82 and again in 1986.

Bill Hughes, another former Fullerton assistant, was a finalist for the position.

Bob Burt, CSUN’s football coach who was hired by Hiegert in 1986, had been the defensive coordinator and assistant head coach at Fullerton from 1980-85.

Looking for a few good men: Northridge is not the only local four-year school working on its baseball future. Cal Lutheran Coach Rich Hill, who just finished his first season, seems to hustle up a recruit or two each week.

The latest to sign with the Kingsmen are Tim Wimbish, a pitcher from Huntington Beach High, and Rusty Pound, a third baseman and outfielder for Cuesta College.

Wimbish (6-3, 190 pounds) compiled a 4-2 record and a 1.40 earned-run average for Huntington Beach, earning All-Sunset League honors.

Pound batted .295 and received honorable mention on the All-Western State Conference team.
