
Commentary : My Right to Die: A Cancer Patient Argues for Voluntary Euthanasia

Alex Hardy, a 30-year resident of Newport Beach, and I lived together for three years before his death. The last year of his life he suffered through the diagnosis, radiation treatments and prognosis for a painful death.

His disillusionment with the medical profession was great, prompting him to write “My Right to Die.”

He recently took his own life.

Alex had a unique outlook on life and death. He gave a farewell party to say goodby to his friends; he did not want to miss his wake. He never feared his impending death and felt satisfied that he had always been able to attain his dreams.


But there was one dream that he could not accomplish and had to leave to me: to have his article published.

I will be doing my best to see euthanasia legalized. Had it been legal, I could have held him in my arms at the end.

Instead, he sent me away to protect me from any implication in his death.
