
Wrecking Pierce One Piece at a Time

Is the Community College Board of Trustees deliberately setting out to destroy Pierce College?

First, it leased space to a dubious privately owned produce stand that in no way serves the public. Then it went into the business of holding tawdry weekend swap meets. And, now, the final outrage: the leasing of a 17-acre tract to a religious institution (for $3 million for a 75-year lease).

A religious institution seems innocuous enough until we learn that the lessee plans to defray its building expenses by subleasing part of this acreage and building five luxury homes, ranging from $450,000 to $750,000 in price. Is this a community service? In addition, the lessee plans to sublet another part of this acreage to a commercially run retirement home (rentals ranging from $1,750 to $2,500 per month). Of course, this project will necessitate changing the single-family home zoning of this area, with all the attendant increased population density, traffic and noise.


As an area resident and alumna of Pierce College, I deeply resent this effort to turn Pierce College into a money-making enterprise as opposed to a sound academic institution. I would far rather have that land left fallow for the wild geese or create a recreation area, which is badly needed.

I wonder what the trustees will buy with that $3 million that will make up for the loss that the school and community will sustain as a result of this land lease.


Woodland Hills
