
TUSTIN FOOTHILLS : FOCUS : Live and Let Live -- Privately

Clipboard researched by Susan Greene and Rick VanderKnyff / Los Angeles Times. Page designed by Doris Shields / Los Angeles Times

The average resident of the Tustin Foothills -- known as North Tustin -- has lived there approximately 10 years or more. But you will find no shopping centers, no gas stations, no restaurants, not even a 7-Eleven and just a few condominiums.

More in the prevailing spirit of the community is the recent purchase of an abandoned railroad station, which will serve as a park for residents.

Although Tustin Foothills is a distinct community, its northern third lies within the sphere of influence of Orange, its southern two-thirds within the city of Tustin’s grasp. While the area could incorporate if it so elected, it would probably feel a financial pinch because there is no commercial base.


In this wealthy unincorporated community the consensus is live and let live -- preferably in privacy. And make no mistake, wealthy it is. The estimated median household income in the Foothills is 75% higher than the comparable figure for the whole of Orange County. And if projections are correct, by 1992 that median will jump another 25%, to around $75,000.

Ninety-eight percent of the Foothills is developed, so school sites are being sold due to declining enrollment. In fact, the school-age population will decline by nearly one-half if current calculations are correct. In line with that change, the average household size, never very large, will decline from 3.3 people to just three by 1992.

These demographic trends do not translate into declining schools, though. Orange County is justly proud of its Foothills High School (under the Tustin Unified School District), one of the finest high schools in Southern California. This year Foothills High scored in the top one-half of 1% of the nation in National Merit Accreditation, an extraordinary scholastic achievement.


Jeffrey Giesea, a Foothills senior, was a top-10 finalist in the California Interscholastic Federation/Scholar-Athlete competition and was most valuable player and all-league in tennis.

Population Median Age: 36.7 years

Education Adults over 25 Years of school completed: 0-11 years: 7.3% 12 years: 24.1% 13-15 years: 26.5% 16+ years: 42.1% Median years completed: 15.1

Employment status Employed persons: 12,943 Unemployed: 341 Not in labor force: 6,640 Per capita income: $15,878


Statistics Population: (1987 est.) 28,485 Median household income: $58,524 Racial/ethnic mix: white, 95.5%; Latino, 4.2%; black, 0.2%; other, 4.2% (Total is more than 100% because racial/ethnic breakdowns overlap)

Statistics: Donnelley Demographics
